Which way are you facing?

What direction are you facing today?

No need to pull out your gps or compass (and if you’re carrying one of those around you’re probably already asking yourself that question).

Are you forward facing today? Or backward facing today? And what the heck does that mean anyway? Continue reading

Shoveling Nemo

We had an insane snowstorm in New England about a month ago. It was so big it even got a name – Nemo. It was crazy. Grocery stores were wiped out of supplies. Wind, white-out conditions, travel bans, blizzarding snow. And when it was all over we were left with 24+ inches of snow…and no where to put it. That’s the problem with living in the city. There are only so many places you can pile up humungo snow banks. Continue reading

In With The Tide

Some days it’s really hard to find something to write about.  Other days I am overflowing with ideas and inspiration and feel like I could write a novel in one sitting.  Today my brain feels a bit sleepy and empty which I’m sure has nothing to do with last night’s Cabernet Sauvignon.

I’m confident I used up most of my thoughts while chatting my brains out during the process of consuming it. Continue reading