The Junk Drawer Dilemma

I love drinking tea.  It’s always been my “happy place” even when things around me are crazy.  Even when I teach a hot yoga class I will sip hot tea.  

I have this nice green mug with a mesh basket for loose-leaf tea and a lid to steep the leaves.  Things can get a little hectic after I teach class chatting with students so last week I just threw the basket (with the steeped leaves) back into my mug and put the lid on it.  And forgot about it.  Until yesterday.

Yesterday I thought, “ah, what a good day for a nice cup of tea!” So I pulled my teacup off the shelf, took the lid off and…

Discovered a whole new ecosystem.

Continue reading

The Great Equalizer

Everyday we are bombarded with all sorts of propaganda and messages trying to tell us what we need.  We need face creams to look younger, we need money to feel sexy, we need to own a house to be a good parent, we need brand name clothes to feel like we fit in.  We need, we need, we need…but do we really? Continue reading

Rock Me Like a Hurricane

This week the east coast had an unpleasant encounter with Sandy.  In some areas she was a bit irritating and inconvenient.  In other areas she was downright devastating.  The storm gave me a lot of time indoors and a lot of time to think about the things in my life that are really important. Continue reading

Trust Me

Yesterday was the kind of the day that makes me remember why I love living in New England.  The taste of fall was in the air and it was the perfect hiking weather.  While my boyfriend was at work, I picked up his high-energy Weimaraner and took her to meet up with a few friends and their dogs for fun romp out in the country.

The dogs met up for the first time and got along smashingly.  They had a grand time running through the fields, fetching sticks, swimming in the water, and wandering around in the woods.  By the time I got back in the car I had a tired, happy, and well-behaved dog that I got to share a really wonderful afternoon with.  I felt very lucky to have a bond with such a great dog.

It hasn’t always been this way. Continue reading

Old Enough To Know Better

A student came into class today at the tail end of a “bear of a week.”  Things had been crazy since last week’s vacation, she was struggling to put together what was supposed to have been easily assembled furniture, and to top it all off, when she got to yoga class she realized she had grabbed two tops instead of a top and a bottom.

Luckily, I had just transferred a ton of yoga clothes into my trunk so I was able to outfit her with a pair of cute shorts.

Anyway, as we were talking about her frustrating struggle with the piece of furniture, she made the comment that “At least age has taught me when I need to stop.” Continue reading

That’s Entertainment

When I was younger, I was high maintenance.  I would require multiple trips to the playground during the day, one parent walking me around during dinnertime while the other one ate, and 3 bedtime stories before I would actually be able to settle in and sleep for the evening.  Needless to say, I required a lot of entertaining.  A lot.  My parents often joked that the reason they had my sister was because I needed someone to keep me entertained.

I don’t really think it’s that far off from the truth. Continue reading